fOR all AGES

AND for the athlete in all of us


Patricia Donnelly, PhD, CNS, LDN





EAT: We will work together to find a sustainable way for you to achieve your health goals. Everyone I work with is different and has an individualized, customized plan. 

  • In addition to general nutrition, I work with those suffering with disordered eating. We explore ways to eat intuitively and without guilt.

  • I also work with those who are not happy with their body image. Accepting one's body can be extremely difficult when our culture presents an onslaught of unrealistic ideals of beauty. Together, we can replace a negative body image with a body image you will love!  

  • I also work with adults who discover that as they get older weight-loss methods that used to work no longer are effective. Together we work on achieving an optimal weight along with increased energy.


THINK: Sports nutrition is essential for athletes of all ages to play optimally. Nutrition also affects the way an athlete approaches practice, performance and competition.

  • Nutrition greatly affect's an athlete's mental game. Eating correctly before, during and after competition makes a huge difference. Together, we will figure out how to cut through the hype and discover helpful foods for you and your goals. 

  • In addition to their diets, I work with athletes on mental techniques such as positive self-talk, focus, thought-stoppage and relaxation. Maintaining focus is essential to play optimally. Also believing in yourself, especially in the face of adversity, is what will separate you from others and allow you to perform like a champion. We also work on eliminating competitive anxiety.


WIN: There is a lot of emphasis on winning — and losing — in our society, which often leads to incredible pressure to succeed. Winning is not only different for everyone, it is different at different points in your life. Together, we will define what winning means to you.

  • We will look at what it takes to win and how that fits into your life. Together we will create steps that will allow you to fulfill your dream of achieving what you have been striving for or longing for.

  • Winning might be achieving your personal best score, capturing a club championship, eating three meals a day, returning to an exercise program or facing the fear of competition. It is about your personal goals, no matter how big or small, and achieving them. When we win we exceed our goals and change our dreams from thoughts into realitiy.