We will work together to find a sustainable way for you to achieve you health goals. Everyone I work with is different and gets an individualized, customized plan.

  • In addition to improving my client's general nutrition, I work with those suffering from disordered eating. We explore ways to eat intuitively and without guilt.

  • I also work with those who are not happy with their body image. Accepting one's body can be extremely difficult when our culture presents an onslaught of unrealistic ideals of beauty. Together we can replace a negative body image with one you will love!  

  • Perhaps you need to lower you HbA1c, lower your cholesterol or lower your fasting glucose number. We can work on this together. I also work with adults who discover that as they get older weight-loss methods that used to work no longer are effective. Together, we will achieve an optimal weight for you, along with increased energy.


Food Shopping & Meal plan Consultations

Speaking Engagements

One-on-one Nutritional Counseling

In addition to their diet, I work with athletes on mental techniques such as positive self-talk, focus, thought-stoppage and relaxation. Maintaining focus is essential to playing optimally. Also, believing in yourself, especially in the face of adversity, is what separates you from others and allows you to perform like a champion. We also will concentrate on eliminating competitive anxiety, which will allow you to enjoy the competition..

• Sports nutrition is essential for athletes of all ages in order to play optimally. Nutrition also affects the way an athlete approaches practice, performance and competition.

  • Nutrition greatly affect's an athlete's mental game. Eating correctly before, during and after competition makes a huge difference. Together, we will figure out how to navigate through the advertising and discover helpful foods that are right for you. 

There is more to shopping for healthy foods than meets the eye. Many clients find it useful to make up a shopping list of foods that will be healthy as well as enjoyed.

Together, we will dissect labels and see how to avoid misleading advertising. We can also go through your refrigerator and pantry and decide exactly which foods will help you achieve your health goals.

We will find a balance of having staples readily available in your pantry and refrigerator for those days when a quick meal is desired along with fresh produce to add to each meal to reap the benefits of fruits and vegetables.

We will decide which foods are your favorites and devise a meal plan consisting of 3 balanced meals and one or two snacks. You will be given recipes for these selections along with a breakdown of vitamins and minerals in each recipe. This will be individually customized.

I love speaking to groups, whether it's a small sports team, a medium-sized group of parents at a PTA meeting, or a large corporate event. Topics are customized for each organization. Some topics I have addressed are Eating for Top Sports Performance, How to Eat Healthily while Working a 60-Hour Week, How to Have Your Picky Eater Get Proper Nutrition. Here I am speaking to a group of golf instructors at the World Scientific Congress of Golf at the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland.