between young & old

never too old

NEVER TOO YOUNG: If you want your child to get the most out of sports we can work together to make certain your child is eating optimally in order to be PHYSICALLY FIT. Also, we can teach your child how to handle success — and lack of success — and still FEEL GOOD about himself/herself.

Good nutrition has also been shown to approve cognitive function, concentration and mood — all good things for your child!

never too young

BETWEEN YOUNG AND OLD: Are you happy with your performance but believe it could be better? We can collaborate on ways to STRENGTHEN BOTH YOUR MENTAL AND PHYSICAL GAMES.

Maybe your goal is to ACHIEVE OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE, which can be enhanced mentally and nutritionally. Maybe you are experiencing disordered eating or an eating disorder. Together, we can find ways to deal with this. Let’s talk.

NEVER TOO OLD: Are you recovering from a hip replacement, having knee or back issues or experiencing pain? Of course, physical conditioning is essential, but proper NUTRITIONAL AND MENTAL TECHNIQUES ARE OFTEN FORGOTTEN.

Together, we can work to achieve your goals, whether they be to win the club championship, return to or begin an exercise program, or just FEEL BETTER.